It All Started When I Was Born...

...but we won't get there until the end. Before moving to Nebraska I spent a brief stint in Denver as a dean's assistant at Colorado Chinese Medicine University (I didn't see it coming either), and before that I was an undergraduate at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. Before that I was one of the few fifth graders at Highland Park Elementary to obtain a perfect score on his Greek Mythology exam, but we don't need to go back that far. Things are much more fun when played in reverse, so that's how we'll take care of things here.

The Graduate Years

I moved to Lincoln in June 2021 to start my Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska -- Lincoln.

Now that I've been here a few years, outside of school I spend most of my time jumping from one hyperfixation to the next, the fruits of which are scattered throughout this site. I also rock climb at the local gym, volunteer at the local high school, and teach algebra at the local penitentiary. I make up for this by refusing to eat or buy local under any circumstances. Life is all about balance.

That being said, I have an increasing number of hobbies that I really would like to dedicate more time to, which I will list here (more to remind myself what I want to do than for any other reason):

  • Photography: Following the IFSC Boulder Worldcup I attended in May 2022 I realized that all the pictures I took on my phone were, shall we say, not good. I have since gotten my hands on a camera and would like to hone my skills as a photographer. So far that has manifested in several dozen pictures of my cats and a few dead batteries, but I remain optimistic.
  • Spanish: I hated languages in school. I took four years of French in high school before placing into the lowest possible course offered at Willamette. I'd only taken French in the first place because Italian wasn't offered and I thought my brother would be able to help me with my homework (he did not), so I decided to give Spanish a shot instead. After a semester I was convinced that languages were just not for me, and the language requirement at Willamette soon became one of my least favorite parts about college. Now that several years have passed and I have learned a little more about learning itself, I think I am ready to give Spanish another shot. I no longer say that I am 'not a language person,' opting instead for the kinder 'the way languages are taught in educational settings does not mesh well with my learning style'. A lot wordier, yes, but it is no longer a statement about who I am as a person, merely the circumstances I find myself in.
  • Guitar: I considered buying a guitar during the pandemic before ultimately deciding against it. I've always wanted to learn, but I recognized that I wasn't in a place where I could dedicate the time and energy needed to practice. Absolutely none of that has changed, but due to unforseen circumstances I am now in posession of a very nice accoustic guitar and would like to learn a few songs. Wonderwall, here I come.

The College Years

In the otherwise blissfully uneventful Fall of 2016 I started my first year at Willamette University, a small liberal arts college located in Salem, Oregon.

Steppin' Out

Ram Madness

Coming soon!

The Academics

Fall 2016

Number Description Credits
IDS 101 The Politics of Punishment 1.00
HIST 342 History of American Conservitism 1.00
SPAN 131 Elementary Spanish I 1.00
BIOL 125 Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity 1.00
BIOL 125Y Lab: Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity 0.00

Fall 2017

Number Description Credits
MATH 399 History of Mathematics 1.00
MATH 253 Linear Algebra 1.00
SPAN 231 Intermediate Spanish I 1.00
POLI 212 History of Western Political Philosophy 1.00
ENGL 135 Introduction to Creative Writing 1.00

Fall 2018

Number Description Credits
MATH 446 Real Analysis I 1.00
MATH 356 Algebraic Number Theory 1.00
POLI 388W Democracy and Nazism 1.00
PHIL 266 Puzzles and Paradoxes 1.00
POLI 390 Independent Study 0.50

Fall 2019

Number Description Credits
MATH 456 Abstract Algebra I 1.00
MATH 376 Graph Theory 1.00
ENGL 331W Fiction Writing 1.00
HIST 215 History of the Present: US Politcs 0.50
MATH 490 Independent Research 0.50

Spring 2017

Number Description Credits
MATH 251W Foundations of Advanced Mathematics 1.00
POLI 210 American Politics 1.00
SPAN 132 Elementary Spanish II 1.00
PSYC 351 Sensation and Perception 1.00

Spring 2018

Number Description Credits
MATH 376 Combinatorics 1.00
MATH 249 Multivariable Calculus 1.00
POLI 337 Constitutional Law 1.00
POLI 354 The American Presidency 1.00

Spring 2019

Number Description Credits
MATH 447 Real Analysis II 1.00
MATH 499W Senior Seminar in Mathematics 1.00
SPAN 260 Hispanic Literature in Translation 1.00
IDS 299 Districting in American Politics 0.25
FITS 059X Skiing 0.25

Spring 2020

Number Description Credits
MATH 457 Abstract Algebra II 1.00
MATH 470 Topology 1.00
POLI 315 What's the Matter With American Politics? 1.00
CS 151 Intro Programming With Python 1.00
CS 151Y Lab: Intro Programming With Python 0.00

The High School Years

Coming Soon!