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Section B.1 Sage and Groups

“A sage is the instructor of a hundred ages.”
―Ralph Waldo Emerson

Subsection Sage and Groups

A brief and non-exhaustive list of groups:
  • Abelian Groups.
    The command
    generates an abelian group of order \(n\) (using \(n=0\) yields \(\Z\))
    G = AbelianGroup([n])
  • G = SymmetricGroup(n)
    G = AlternatingGroup(n)
  • G = DihedralGroup(n)
  • G = CyclicPermutationGroup(n)
Here we have a list
  • .is_abelian(), .is_finite(), .is_multiplicative(), .is_trivial(), .order()

Subsection Sage and Finitely Presented Groups

Recall that all groups can be constructed as quotients of free groups.