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Section 7.1 Simplicial Homology

Subsection 7.1.1 Overview of Homotopy and Homology

Definition 7.1.1.

Let \(X\) be a topological space and \(x_0 \in X\text{,}\) and let \(n \geq 1\) be a natural number. The \(n\)-th homotopy group of \(X\) at \(x_0\text{,}\) denoted \(\pi n(X,x_0)\text{,}\) is the set of homotopy classes of maps \((In,Bd\R^n(In)) \to (X,x_0)\) with group operation defined by \([f][g] = [f โˆ— g]\) for all \([f],[g] \in \pi n(X,x_0)\text{.}\)
Motivation: For dimensions \(n \geq 2\text{,}\) the group \(\pi n(X,x_0)\) is often difficult to compute. Instead, define abelian groups \(H_n(X)\) for all \(n \geq 0\) that capture much of the same information.
Motivation: Define homology groups 3 ways: simplicial homology \(Hn\delta\) on \(\delta\) -complexes, cellular homology \(HnCW\) on CW-complexes, and singular homology \(Hnsing\) on topological spaces. \{\delta -complexes\} โŠŠ\{CW complexes\} โŠŠ\{topological spaces\}. \(Hn\delta\) is easiest to compute, \(HnCW\) is harder to compute but easier to find the complex structure, and \(Hnsing\) is hardest to compute but easiest to use for proving theorems. For a \(\delta\)-complex \(X\text{,}\) \(Hn\delta (X) = HnCW(X) = Hnsing(X)\text{.}\) \(Hn\delta\text{,}\) \(HnCW\text{,}\) and \(Hnsing\) are all homotopy invariants.

Subsection 7.1.2 \delta -Complexes

Definition 7.1.3.

In \(\R^n+1\text{,}\) the \(i\)-th standard basis vector is \(\varepsilon i(n) := (0,0,\dots,0,1,0,\dots,0)\text{,}\) where the coordinates are indexed by \(0,\dots,n\) and the \(1\) appears in the \(i\)-th coordinate.

Definition 7.1.4.

The standard \(n\)-simplex is the subspace of \(\R^n+1\) (with the Euclidean topology) given by \(\delta n :=\{\sum i=0n ti\varepsilon i(n) | \sum i=0n ti = 1 \text{ and }0 \leq ti \leq 1 \text{ for all }i\}\text{.}\)

Definition 7.1.5.

The boundary of the standard \(n\)-simplex is the subspace \(โˆ‚\delta n :=\{\sum i=0n ti\varepsilon i(n) | \sum i=0n ti = 1, 0 \leq ti \leq 1 \text{ for all }i, \text{ and }tj = 0 \text{ for some }j\}\text{.}\) The open \(n\)-simplex is the subspace \(0\delta n := \delta n - โˆ‚ \delta n\) for \(n \geq 1\text{,}\) and \(0\delta 0 := \delta 0\text{.}\)

Definition 7.1.6.

For \(0 \leq i \leq n\text{,}\) the \(i\)-th face map of the standard \(n\)-simplex is the function \(Fi(n): \delta n-1 \into \delta n\) defined by \(Fi(n)(\sum i=0n-1 ti\varepsilon i(n-1)) := \sum j=0i-1 tj\varepsilon j(n) + \sum j=i+1n tj-1\varepsilon j(n)\text{.}\)

Definition 7.1.7.

A \(\delta\) -complex is a topological space \(X\) constructed inductively by: Let \(X(0)\) be a set of points with the discrete topology. Write \(X(0) = โˆ\alpha \in J0 \delta \alpha 0\text{,}\) where for each \(\alpha, \delta \alpha 0 \cong \delta 0\text{.}\) For each \(\alpha \in J0\text{,}\) let \(\sigma ฬ„\alpha 0: \delta \alpha 0 \to X(0)\) be the inclusion map.
For each \(n \geq 1\text{,}\) form the space \(X(n)\) from \(X(n-1)\) by: For each \(\alpha\) in an index set \(Jn\text{,}\) let \(\delta \alpha n\) be a copy of the standard \(n\)-simplex \(\delta n\text{,}\) and let \(s\alpha : โˆ‚\delta \alpha n \to X(n-1)\) be a continuous function such that for all \(0 \leq i \leq n\text{,}\) \(s\alpha \circ Fi(n)|โˆ‚\delta n = \sigma ฬ„\beta n-1\) for some \(\beta \in Jn-1\text{.}\) Let \(Zn := X(n-1) โˆ (โˆ\alpha \in Jn \delta \alpha n)\) have the disjoint union topology, and let \(\sim\) be the minimal equivalence relation on this space such that \(d \sim s\alpha (d)\) for all \(d \in โˆ‚\delta \alpha n\) and \(\alpha \in Jn\text{.}\) Define \(X(n)\) be the quotient space and let qn be the quotient map. Define \(\sigma ฬ„\alpha n: \delta \alpha n \to X(n)\) to be the composition \(\sigma ฬ„\alpha n := qn \circ i\delta \alpha nZn\) where \(i\delta \alpha nZn: \delta \alpha n \to Zn\) is the inclusion map. Let \(X := \cup n \in \N X(n)\) (where each \(X(n)\) is identified with its image in \(X(n+1)\)). For all \(n\) and for all \(\alpha \in Jn\text{,}\) define \(\sigma \alpha n = \sigma \alpha : \delta \alpha n \to X\) by \(\sigma \alpha n := iX(n)X \circ \sigma ฬ„\alpha n\) where \(iX(n)X: X(n) \to X\) is the inclusion. A subset \(A\) of \(X\) is defined to be open in \(X\) if and only if \((\sigma \alpha n)-1(A)\) is open in \(\delta \alpha n\) for all \(n \geq 0\) and all \(\alpha \in Jn\text{.}\) Each \(\sigma \alpha n\) is called an \(n\)-simplex of \(X\text{.}\)

Subsection 7.1.3 Simplicial Homology

Definition 7.1.10.

Let \(X\) be a \(\delta\) -complex and let \(n \geq 0\text{.}\) The group of simplicial \(n\)-chains of \(X\) is \(Cn\delta (X) := \oplus \alpha \in Jn \Z = \oplus n-simplices \sigma \alpha \Z \sigma \alpha\text{.}\) An element of \(Cn\delta (X)\) is called a (simplicial) \(n\)-chain, and written \(\sum \alpha \in Jn m\alpha \sigma \alpha\text{,}\) where each \(m\alpha \in \Z\) and all but finitely many \(m\alpha\)'s are \(0\text{.}\)

Definition 7.1.11.

Let \(X\) be a \(\delta\) -complex and let \(n \geq 1\text{.}\) The \(n\)-th simplicial boundary map is the group homomorphism \(โˆ‚n\delta = โˆ‚n: Cn\delta (X) \to Cn-1\delta (X)\) defined by \(โˆ‚n(\sum \alpha \in Jn m\alpha \sigma \alpha ) := \sum \alpha \in Jn m\alpha โˆ‚n(1\sigma \alpha )\) and \(โˆ‚n(1\sigma \alpha ) := \sum i=0n (-1)i \sigma \alpha \circ Fi(n)\text{.}\) The \(0\)-th simplicial boundary map is the group homomorphism \(โˆ‚0\delta = โˆ‚0: C0\delta (X) \to 0\text{.}\)

Definition 7.1.13.

Let \(X\) be a \(\delta\) -complex and let \(n \geq 0\text{.}\) The \(n\)-th simplicial homology group of \(X\) is the group \(Hn\delta (X) := Ker โˆ‚n\delta / Im โˆ‚n+1\delta\text{.}\)

Remark 7.1.14.

A quotient of the form \(\Z n/\Z m\) is not well-defined. In order to compute this quotient, write the elements of a basis of \(\Z m\) as linear combinations of the elements of a basis of \(\Z n\text{:}\) compute the Smith normal form.