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Section 5.6 Presenting Spaces and the 2-way Street Theorem

Subsection 5.6.1 CW complexes

Definition 5.6.1.

Let X(0) be a set of points with the discrete topology. For each n \geq 1, form the space X(n) from X(n-1) by: For each \alpha in an index set Jn, let D\alpha n be a copy of the closed unit disk Dn in \R^n (with Euclidean topology), and let φ\alpha : S\alpha n-1 \to X(n-1) be a continuous function. Let Zn := X(n-1) ∐ (∐\alpha \in Jn D\alpha n) have the disjoint union topology, and let \sim be the minimal equivalence relation on this space such that d \sim φ\alpha (d) for all d \in S\alpha n-1 and \alpha \in Jn. Define X(n) be the quotient space and let qn be the quotient map. Let X := \cup n \in \N X(n) (where each X(n) is identified with its image in X(n+1)). If there is no n such that X = X(n), then a subset A of X is defined to be open in X if and only if A \cap X(n) is open in X(n) for all n. The space X is a CW complex, and the topology on X is the CW topology or weak topology. The subspace X(n) of X is the n-skeleton of X. The procedure of building X(n) from X(n-1) is called gluing on n-disks. For each n \geq 1 and each \alpha \in Jn, let Φ\alpha : D\alpha n \to X be the composition Φ\alpha := iX(n)X \circ qn \circ iD\alpha nZn (where iX(n)X: X(n) \to X and iD\alpha nZn: D\alpha n \to Zn are the inclusion maps). For n = 0, let J0 be a set in bijection with X(0), and for each \alpha \in J0, let D\alpha 0 = B_\alpha 0 :=\{∗\} be a singleton space and let Φ\alpha : D\alpha 0 \to X be defined by Φ\alpha (p) := v\alpha, the vertex in X corresponding to \alpha. For all n \geq 0; and \alpha \in Jn, the map Φ\alpha is the characteristic map, or gluing map, or attaching map associated to \alpha. The image e\alpha n := Φ\alpha (B_\alpha n) is the open n-cell of X corresponding to \alpha. If there is an n \in \N such that there is an open n-cell but there are no open k-cells for any k > n, then X = X(n) is n-dimensional. If there is no such n, then X is infinite dimensional.

Example 5.6.3.


Remark 5.6.6.

To prove properties of a CW complex X, a standard method is to use induction (on n).

Definition 5.6.8.

For a CW complex X, the closed n-cell associated to an open n-cell e\beta n is \text{Cl}_X(e\beta n). A vertex, or 0-cell, of X is an element of X(0). An edge of X is a closed 1-cell, and a face of X is a closed 2-cell.

Interactions with homeomorphism invariants.

Definition 5.6.14.
A space X locally deforms to each point if each point p of X is contained in an open subset Up of X such that there is a deformation retraction from the subspace Up onto\{p\}.
Definition 5.6.17.
A topological space X is defined to be locally path-connected, or LPC, if for every point p \in X and every open set U of X containing p, there is an open set V of X such that p \in V \sse U and (as a subspace of X) V is path-connected.
Definition 5.6.19.
A topological space X is simply-connected, or SC, if X is PC and \pi_1(X) = 1.
Definition 5.6.20.
A space X is semi-locally simply connected, or SLSC if for each point p of X there is an open set Up of X containing p such that the inclusion map Up \to X induces the constant homomorphism \pi_1(Up,p) \to \pi_1(X,p) to the identity element of \pi_1(X,p).

Interactions with constructions:.

Definition 5.6.22.
Let X be a CW complex. A subcomplex of X is a closed subspace A in X satisfying the property that whenever e\alpha is an open cell of X and e\alpha \cap A is nonempty, then \text{Cl}_X(e\alpha ) \sse A.

Subsection 5.6.2 Fundamental groups of CW complexes

Definition 5.6.28.

The presentation complex associated to a presentation \langle A | R \rangle of a group G is a CW complex with one vertex v, an edge ea for each a \in A (with attaching maps gluing both endpoints of ea to v), and a face fr for each r \in R with attaching map determined by following the edges according to the word r.