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Section 6.3 The Universal Covering and Galois Correspondence

Definition 6.3.1.

An isomorphism of pointed covering spaces \(pi: (Yi,yi) \to (X,x_0)\) for \(i=1,2\) is a homeomorphism \(f:(Y1,y1) \to (Y2,y2)\) such that \(p2 \circ f = p1\text{.}\)

Definition 6.3.3.

Let \(X\) be a PC, LPC, SLSC space. The universal covering space of \(X\) is the unique covering space \(p:X̃ \to X\) such that \(X̃\) is SC.

Definition 6.3.4.

A deck transformation of a covering space \(p:X̃ \to X\) is a homeomorphism \(f:X̃ \to X̃\) such that \(p \circ f = p\text{.}\)

Definition 6.3.5.

A covering space \(p:X̃ \to X\) is normal if for all \(y,y' \in X̃\) with \(p(y) = p(y')\text{,}\) there is a deck transformation \(f:(X̃,y) \to (X̃,y')\text{.}\)

Remark 6.3.7.

A Galois correspondence table has columns for spaces, fundamental groups, and covering space group actions. Each row of contains a space \(X\text{,}\) \(\pi_1(X)\text{,}\) and the (deck transformation) group that acts on \(X\) with covering space group action (and is maximal with respect to that property). In the column of spaces, a space \(Y\) appears in a row above a space \(X\) if there is a covering space : \(Y \to X\text{.}\)

Example 6.3.8.
