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Algebraic Geometry

Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

The content of this text is heavily based on the 817-818 sequence of courses offered in UNL, specificlly those taught during the 2021 and 2022 academic years. As such the content and structure have been heavily based on the notes of the following faculty:
I am very thankful to Eloísa, Alexandra, and Mark for sharing their .tex files with me, despite the fact that they had no idea what I would be doing with them. Fittingly, I would also like to acknowledge Eloísa for having an acknowledgement section in her lecture notes, yielding a template for my own.
And, as always, I reserve a speical thank you for Erin McNicholas and Inga Johnson for forever tinting the world of mathematics purple.
Mark has somehow managed to be the only member of the mathematics faculty to not have so much as a single page on the UNL website. Luckily, there are workarounds.